Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Where is Real Flattery?

Catcalling isn’t anything new, and almost all women at some point have had to face the uncomfortable and unwanted attention the degrading comments bring when walking down the street. What some may think is innocent like; “Hey sexy” (followed by that awful whistle associated with a desirable appearance) may be flattering, but in reality these remarks make people, like myself, feel uneasy and anything but complimented. In reality, a simple holler could potentially turn into something more dangerous, and for this reason that aggressive assertion of dominance, often thought of as harmless, is actually quite threatening.
      Real flattery is a humanizing behavior that requires a conversation between two people, not just sexual remarks spit at a person from a complete stranger. What’s worse than face-to-face experiences revolving around sexual comments from strangers are the sneaky statements coming out of buildings, car windows or anywhere the harasser can go unidentified. Because they position themselves to be unrecognizable, this makes one think they know their behavior is unacceptable and they probably wouldn’t have the nerve to say it in person
      If you want to genuinely flatter a person, first start by initiating a conversation about the weather, current news, or a book that person happens to be holding......anything BUT physical appearance. April is Sexual Assault Awareness month and although street harassment has become somewhat normalized in our society, it shouldn’t be looked upon as anything less than sexual harassment. Whistling, honking or shouting sexual comments is not innocent and shouldn’t be something people have to just put up with when they leave their homes.  Bringing awareness to this issue will improve our dignity as humans and our society as a whole. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Some Recent Works In Computer Graphics

                BITMAP POSTER

Objective: Begin to learn how organizations communicate to user groups and audiences and how this can be applied in relation to visual communication and graphic design. I produced a poster for the Brookings Area Transit Authority to promote free rides offered through Safe Ride Home.


Objective: This next project involved designing a front cover and a two double-page spreads for a fictional magazine called Arkitekt. The Target market is both male and female readers with an interest in architecture and architectural design. Arkitekt is a high-end magazine aimed at students, professionals, and amateurs who value an informed awareness and knowledge of international contemporary design. 


Objective: I selected a favorite book from my youth and sketched icons that evoked the themes from the story. After I sketched various objects, I scanned them in and arranged my favorites to form a bigger symbol. The hand drawn look of the symbols and lettering unify the poster along with selective use of color. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Oh Baby

My oldest sister, Grace is having a baby girl... and her due date is a week from today! I had so much fun taking some photos of her baby bump last week. Little baby Lehner is already so loved and has a closet full of clothes and more shoes than I do. Before Grace knew the sex, everybody thought it was going to be a boy and I still have to remind myself that the baby is in fact a girl. There is a chance baby L might be a tomboy like her mama was back in the day... rocking a bowl cut and only wearing boy clothes. Haha! I can't wait to be an aunt and do all the fun things with her without being the mom... best of both worlds, ya know? Thinking back to me and my sisters' childhood, I have so many fond and random memories and I can't wait to share them all that with the baby. Counting down the days until my little niece arrives, can you tell I'm excited?! Can't wait to meet you baby Lehner. 


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wrap up + Reflections + Goals

I've been home now for a little over a week and through all the holiday festivities I've managed to find some time to reflect upon my last four months abroad. Flipping through my journal from this past year proves my life has been really confusing, comical, awkward, daring, humbling and entertaining. Adjectives that sum up a lot of feelings associated with the transition into adulthood and the journey into the person I want to be. Journaling and trying to keep up this blog is something I've enjoyed doing; I really cherish these documentations now as I look back and reflect on my experiences. 

Making the decision to study abroad was probably the scariest thing I've done. I had so many melt downs and doubts about my decision. Looking back on all the little things I worried about seems so silly and small now. Everything works out the way it's suppose to, plans change, life is messy and the unknown is hard; but life so incredibly amazing and well worth the (sometimes bumpy) ride. Throughout my trip, I noticed a lot subtle reminders that assured me this is where I'm suppose to be. There is still so much to be learned and so much to be experienced that I can't be too sad my study abroad is over... just an amazing moment in time I will hold close to my heart forever. 

Travel has made me curious, and inspired, something I hope to keep with me forever. These are some of my favorite photos I took, each tied with happy memories of beautiful places.

Växjö, Sweden
Copenhagen, Denmark 

Zadar, Croatia
Växjö, Sweden
Tallin, Estonia 
Copenhagen, Denmark
Växjö, Sweden
Växjö, Sweden
Gdansk, Poland
Kalmar, Sweden
Växjö, Sweden
Växjö, Sweden
Zadar, Croatia 
Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki, Finland
Reykjavik, Iceland
Helsinki, Finland
Växjö, Sweden

Transitioning into my life back home has been good and busy, filled with a lot of family and friend hang outs. It's nice to feel comfortable and to know familiar surroundings. Being away for awhile, you pick up on things you didn't notice before and grow an appreciation for the smallest of things. Gaining new perspectives hasn't stopped since I left Europe and I'm probably going to be doing a lot of contemplating while back in SoDak. I've loved sharing bits of my life abroad and want to continue documenting some thoughts and experiences here. For 2015, one of my goals is to write more and I think this is the perfect platform... while on the topic of goals for the new year, I have a few more I want to incorporate into my day to day that I've adopted from what I've learned abroad...

Cook more, put myself in new (uncomfortable) situations, FIKA, FIKA, FIKA, read more books, live with less stuff, eat Tacos on Fridays ;), worry less, learn from others and keep possibilities open, try new things often, keep making lists, slow down and enjoy the journey!

Sad to say goodbye to 2014; a year full of growth and wonderful experiences, but I have a really good feeling about 2015! Thanks for following along!
